What is wrong with US?

Why does it seem like the wronger some folks get, the stronger they get? I understand wanting to dig in and defend your position, but shouldn’t our good sense intervene at some point?

🤷🏾‍♀️ Maybe it does?

🤷🏾‍♀️Maybe we choose to ignore it?

🤷🏾‍♀️Maybe this is All because we ultimately don’t trust ourselves?

I believe algorithms can be the devil.  Feeding us confirming images and information that encourages us to stay right where we are.  Allowing us to live in a space that doesn’t challenge us.  That doesn’t make us uncomfortable. Well, change is uncomfortable.  Those who really want it are also willing to actually experience something different.  If the thought of change makes you uncomfortable, maybe that’s the problem?  Because as a response, one only resorts back to their previous state of bliss.  They may even fight to remain in a usual place that doesn’t serve them or others.  Algorithms help you do that.   With the help of your inner circle, it will continually agree that growth & change are not ideal.  That kinda emboldened position is hard for anyone to overcome.

As we become more and more detached from reality and others, shouldn’t we all be considering something different?  Shouldn’t we all be reaching outside of what we “know” for a new perspective?  Shouldn’t we?

They say life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  Dare we all avoid being comfortable and truly live.

I’ll take that one step further and say… Dare we all avoid being comfortable and truly let others live too.

Peace and Blessings!

B.A. Buie

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