Telling My Story Wasn’t Easy

“You own everything that happened to you.  Tell your stories. 

If people wanted you to write warmly about them,

they should have behaved better.”  – Anne Lamott

Yes, we do!  We own it all.  The things we asked for and the things we didn’t.  But let’s put that into perspective.  Owning it means you have the power to determine what is done with it.  Do you use it to grow or not?  Do you use it to help others or not?  I chose to use my story to grow and help others.  That’s why I put it in a book.  So far it’s helped me more than anyone, but as people read and share, I see it also helping others.  Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to confront their past and may never do it.  Well, they have their paths and I have mine.

Writing & publishing my memoir TRINI’S BLUES was the hardest thing I ever did. Revisiting the stories was hard. Revisiting the people in those stories – harder! Still, I didn’t hold back. I wrote about the good, the bad, and the ugly. With a goal of honoring my truths and all those involved in it. Some of the characters were gracious and open to healing conversations and forgiveness. Others not so much. This quote by Anne Lamott speaks to this story. I think it captures my sentiments exactly.  They should have behaved better and so should have I.      SO SHOULD HAVE I!

Peace and Blessings,

B.A. Buie

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