Giving Thanks ๐Ÿ’—

As we enter into the holiday season, I know there is much suffering.  It’s been a tough year and so many have lost loved ones.  So many will be unable to spend time with family and friends.  Let’s not overwhelm ourselves. Take it one day, one minute, one moment at a time.  I know it’s cleche, but count your blessings.  During my darkest times,  that’s exactly what I do.  Turn up the gratitude.  I shift my focus towards the reasons to keep going and away from the reasons my mind has tricked me into believing to stop.  No, not forever.  Not to the detriment of my progress.  Or in an effort to avoid confronting the issue.  Just long enough to get me back on my feet and moving forwards and upwards again.   Sometimes I simply make list of happy moments.  Other times I literally take my shoes off, grab my crystals, and stand barefoot on the earth as I raise my head towards whatever is lighting the sky.   Lately, I’ve been using my handy smartphone.  There is an alarm that goes off twice a day.  11:11 am and 11:11 pm.  When it sounds off,  I pause and whisper to God and my Ancestors “thank you”.   I do it in an effort to restore grounding in my life as the world outside of me appears to be spinning out of control.  I do it to remember all the times I worried, only to realize it was a complete waste of time.  I’m saying “thank you” to them, but I’m doing it for me.  Because that’s why they didn’t give up.  And in that moment it is I who needs it.  And that’s OKAY.   So I’m doing all this rambling to say.   Give thanks, and take a moment, a minute, or two, or three, or more for YOU.

Happy Holidays!!!

I’m so thankful for each and every one of you.

Even the ones that get on my nerves… LOL

Peace and Blessings,

B.A. Buie

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